
【Happy Easter|提前準備復活心情🐣】
講起復活節,唔一定淨係得復活蛋嘅😉!今年Twelve Cupcakes 有3款可愛復活節版本🥰 – 輕甜嘅Sweet Rabbit🐇、鬆軟嘅Adorable Chick🐥同香濃嘅Cutest Carrot🥕!📱現正開放預購*啦,提前為你嘅復活節準備啦! ------ 【Happy Easter|Get into the Springtime Spirit!🐣】Easter isn’t just about Easter eggs😉! This year, Twelve Cupcakes has crafted 3 adorable Easter cupcakes🥰...
【Happy Easter|提前準備復活心情🐣】
講起復活節,唔一定淨係得復活蛋嘅😉!今年Twelve Cupcakes 有3款可愛復活節版本🥰 – 輕甜嘅Sweet Rabbit🐇、鬆軟嘅Adorable Chick🐥同香濃嘅Cutest Carrot🥕!📱現正開放預購*啦,提前為你嘅復活節準備啦! ------ 【Happy Easter|Get into the Springtime Spirit!🐣】Easter isn’t just about Easter eggs😉! This year, Twelve Cupcakes has crafted 3 adorable Easter cupcakes🥰...

【🌱Sweet New Discoveries|春日輕甜主意🐝】
4月的清風徐徐而來,喺時候試啲新嘢啦😋!以清新同香濃兩種極致對比做靈感🤩,推出7款新口味,溫婉清新派有桂花烏龍、士多啤梨芝士蛋糕同荔枝馬天尼🧁,香濃醇厚派有焙茶、榛子朱古力、開心果雲呢拿同埋Mudslide🍫咁多款點揀好?當然係要哂啦😆!買6件以上就有折扣啦🈹!快啲嚟帶佢哋返屋企啦🛒網上預購現正開放📱 現貨於4月1號於分店開售🏃🏻♀️💨💨🌱April is just around the corner - are you ready to try something new🤩? 7 unique new flavours are coming to Twelve Cupcakes😋, including Osmanthus Oolong, Strawberry Cheesecake, Lychee...
【🌱Sweet New Discoveries|春日輕甜主意🐝】
4月的清風徐徐而來,喺時候試啲新嘢啦😋!以清新同香濃兩種極致對比做靈感🤩,推出7款新口味,溫婉清新派有桂花烏龍、士多啤梨芝士蛋糕同荔枝馬天尼🧁,香濃醇厚派有焙茶、榛子朱古力、開心果雲呢拿同埋Mudslide🍫咁多款點揀好?當然係要哂啦😆!買6件以上就有折扣啦🈹!快啲嚟帶佢哋返屋企啦🛒網上預購現正開放📱 現貨於4月1號於分店開售🏃🏻♀️💨💨🌱April is just around the corner - are you ready to try something new🤩? 7 unique new flavours are coming to Twelve Cupcakes😋, including Osmanthus Oolong, Strawberry Cheesecake, Lychee...